Friday, March 7, 2008

Yesterday Was My Day

Actually... Yesterday was so not my day. Like I said, I didn't fall asleep until 2:30 in the morning yesterday morning. Which means, I knew yesterday would be a total gem of a day. But, unlike most days when it's my day to be miserable, I didn't let it bother me. I was totally determined not to let things get to me... And they didn't. I have triumphed. Even if it was just a small triumph, I'm slowly chipping away at a few of my downfalls.

So, I rolled out of bed at 5:30. Why is it that 5 o'clock in the evening takes so long to get to, but 5 o'clock in the morning seems to arrive so quickly. Is that some weird joke God likes to play on us? I think so:) Not an our and a half later, and I found that my laptop, the one that I bought before I flew to Germany last year, and one I've never been happy with, pooped out on me. Screen black, something about "drive incompatibility" and it's blocked. Among numerous other things, I can't have internet explorer, I can't download pictures to certain websites, and my driver won't play cd's, just dvds. But, I calmly took it down to my mother-in-law, and she took it to a guy she knows. I can't edit photos from the photoshoot. I will have to put the photos on my mom's computer tomorrow when I'm down.

And the peak of my day! When I realized before I walked into work, I had stepped in dog poo! It was only 10:30, the day hadn't even started yet. Surprisingly the day ended up being okay! We'll see how today goes. It's all about frame of mind isn't it? Last night I passed out when Josh and I went to bed. I slept from 9:45-4:11 without waking up. I've got so much sleep to catch up on, though, I'll need a few more nights of sleep. Tomorrow night though, Josh is having boys night. Which means, I have to stay in town, I'm kicked out of my house, and he's going to be drinking... All... Night... Long. I thought that kind of stuff was supposed to stop after you are married. You know, those sleepovers that guys have when they drink themselves into a coma. Well, I get to go see a play tomorrow night. :) So I guess I will be having fun too. But, sleep I'm sure will just be a memory, I can't sleep without Josh. I'm a loser!!

I painted last night, one thing I love about painting, I can paint right over something I don't like. It might take a few coats, depending on the color, but there is no evidence of it being there. I've always had a problem trying to figure out what I want to draw, or what I want to paint. For the last few days I've had an idea, but when I did it last night, it wasn't what I wanted. Inspiration is failing to come to me, I'm trying to recreate some semblance of a good painting, I don't know though. I'm having some difficulties. I guess paintings down really get all done in one night, it takes a long time. I'm just having a block I guess.

Oh! The other day I got my plate back from The Painted Plate. Hate it, terrible. I'm going to go back and make more stuff. It was my first one, it happens.:) You know though, they should wrap up the plates when they put them in a brown bag. Especially if there is more than one! All of our plates are chipped. Boo:(

I found this great thing on someone elses blog, but I don't know how to post a link within a post. Could anyone help me out?

Well, Friday is here! Yay! Everyone enjoy the day!


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