Friday, March 7, 2008

Some Days I Feel Like A Genius

Which doesn't happen often. I've come to realize that I am probably the most stubborn person. I absolutely hate asking for help. I don't know why, but I always choose to suffer through things without asking for someone to tell me how to do it. There are days when I get totally down on myself because I am trying to figure out how to do all that website building, photography skill learning/graphic designing stuff by myself. I sit here most of the day trying to learn new things with no actual proof that I've figured something out on my own. Today, I did. I talked about triumphs today, yes this is small, but makes me soooo happy to have figured it out all by myself with just a help button on Blogger. I put music on my blog. I didn't ask a human, I figured it out on my own. Feelin good today! Well, it's 9:30 so, I'm feeling like I've had an epiphany as of now!

Well, gotta go try to figure some more stuff out!


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