Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sharing Joy and Pain

One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is a friend. Some of us are blessed with one friend that we feel we share much more than just a few likes and dislikes with, and there are some of us who are blessed with a few friends that we feel a deeper connection with. I've talked about soul friends before, and I'm pretty sure I've talked about sharing life's events with eachother, but for me it is a season of sharing beautiful moments of joy even if we are far apart.

As I sit here on this cloudy March morning I can't help but smile because I have been blessed with such wonderful people in my life. While these people vary in personality we all have one thing in common: We were thrown together by God for some reason, sometimes the reason is unknown to us, but with time, and the growth of friendship our eyes were opened to the answer. We were put together to help eachother in what ever joy, or hardship that lies in our past, in our present, and in our future. Each of my friends has helped me in a different way, and my hope is I have helped them as well.

I find it amazing that we as people build such great connections with eachother. I think sometimes we are so worried about feeling anything that we shut ourselves off from any emotion at all, and become so introverted in attempts to shield ourselves from the hurt and pain we someitmes feel. At the same, though, as a result to drawing inward, and everyone else outward we shut out the beauty of the joys in life. Feeling is a part of being human, and while I spent the better part of my childhood working on the fine craft of feeling nothing, or at least letting people think I was feeling nothing, I refuse to let my adult life take on the same form. While my emotions are usually up and down now, especially after my dad died, feeling nothing is so exhausting.

So like I said, I find it amazing that even though we as people sometimes have a hard time coping, or handling our own emotions, we invest so much of ourselves into our friends, families, and the ones we are the closest too.

We feel overwhelming joy in their happy times, and sadness in times of trial. While we will always have our own lives to worry about, somewhere along the way we cross that line of just being friends, and we let ourselves feel what they feel, and we feel them so freely, and so openly.

The human condition amazes me. It is such a blessing to share all of life's experiences with friends. Friends need to support, and we need the gift of a friend who will truly feel in their hearts the way we do during times of happiness and struggle.

Anyway, just a quick thought for the day!

Have a blessed day


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