Friday, September 11, 2009

Jackie O

I can't believe it's been a week since I posted last. This blog was finally getting updated on a regular basis, and then over the 3 day weekend (which turned into a 4 day weekend for Josh and me) the blog got totally neglected. Josh and I spent a much needed day together in Olympia just wandering around. We spend so much time running from place to place, we rarely just go do something together. Wednesday I had a session back in Monte, so I packed up my gear and made the trip again. Since then I've been editing like a mad woman and cleaning house a little in between. Hopefully next week the blog will be back to normal!

In honor of this month's VF issue I've decided to post a few photos about Jackie Kennedy (later Jackie Onassis). The article has a few photos, but the cover is definitely the best shot of the group.

Let me start of by saying that I love Jackie Kennedy. She's always been on my list of people who I would loved to have met. You have one too, I'm sure. When I think style icon she's right up there with Audrey Hepburn, and Grace Kelly. All three women are classic style inspiration.

Have a fabulous Weekend!

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