Just thought I would put a few random facts about me on here, bear with me. If you can't
that's okay too:)
I am- a wife. a daughter. a sister. a photographer. a dreamer. a romantic.
I think- love is the most beautiful thing in the world.
I know- the little things are what really matter.
I want- to love with abandon, Starbucks shaken green tea, to live in Europe again, to learn Italian and French.
I have- so many things I want to do, a wonderful husband, an awesome family, and soul friends.
I wish- I had it all together, my dad and grandparents were still here.
I hate- Bad customer service, making phone calls, running.
I miss- my dad, having that childlike wonder, not having to pay bills.
I feel- most like myself when I am being creative, like being a nomad.
I crave- chips and salsa, always. long conversations with friends, Margaritas from El Rancho, and peanut M&M's.
I search- for inspiration, for ways to be a better person.
I wonder- what my children's laughter will sound like.
I regret- not taking risks, the times I didn't spend with my dad.
I love- Josh, traveling, family, friends, Peonies,Europe, good books, wine, photography, laughing, and art.
I care- about your story, about others feelings, about family.
I always- listen to music, procrastinate, change my outfit at least twice in the morning.
I am not- Quiet, athletic, a football fan (sin of sins)
I believe- in Jesus, everyone should do what they love.
I dance around my house.
I sing- all the time, mostly in the car, sometimes at church.
I laugh- Most when my brother is around.
I cry- over most things - happy or sad, when others cry.
I don't always- rinse out my bowl before I stick it in the sink.
I write- lists, on every piece of paper I see, to keep myself sane.
I lose- my cell phone at least 5 times a day.
I never- take compliments well, like grocery shopping.
I listen- to the quiet, Pandora, 50's music.
I can usually be found- editing photos, blog stalking, with Josh.
I'm scared of- SPIDERS!
I need- Jesus, my family, to feel loved, creativity.
I can't wait- to meet new people, to make art.
Via Country Living