Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day Two...

Blah. Check. Tired. Check. Stressed. Check. Bored. Check.

That about sums up what's going on for me. Sure I could go wander about downtown Kelso, and Longview, but there really isn't that much to see. I've picked up the apartment, made the bed, and checked into internet and cable providers, and I am appalled by how much it costs to have these things installed. Not only does it cost $130 a month for these things, but it is going to cost you $300 just for us to install it for you. Are you serious? I don't think installing cable, internet and phone lines is an art, but I could be wrong. If it was, then maybe I would consider paying that much, but probably not.

My eyes hurt, my head hurts, I feel awful. You know that blah feeling when you do nothing all day. I hate that. I feel like a terrible person. I'm heading home tomorrow to go through more stuff and get stuff for the move ready, so that will be a nice break. Then its back down here again in the evening.

I can't wait till we are all settled and I'm doing something. There is nothing worse than that in between area when I'm stuck trying to get everything done all at once, no one seems to know anything and everything seems so so so expensive. Like I've said previously, I may have a small heart attack soon. I know Josh worries a little bit, but really doesn't let it show, and just denies it anyway. I'm a mess poring over what I can do, and what I have to do to get everything in its rightful place and he seems oblivious to it all. Is that a guy thing? I think so. Well we all know that he is the sane one, and I'm more than a little off my rocker. If it wasn't for him I know I would be much more worse off than I am now. He keeps me in line.

Josh gets home in just under an hour! Have a wonderful day. And don't worry, I won't go completely crazy.


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