Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I know that I have always been blessed to know such wonderful people. Friends and family in their own ways inspire me everyday to make a difference in not just my own life, and those of the people around me, but for others I don't know as well. There are always those select few in your life that, while they go out and change the world in their own small ways, you observe this gift unfolding, and feel your heart overflow with excitment and love just at the realization of how wonderful life can be, and how wonderful we as people truly are. There is a person that I admire endlessly, though I haven't known her long, and we've only been together in person a handful of time, she inspires me daily to be a better person. She is a photographer, what I am striving to be, she's an amazingly creative person, a wonderful woman of God, and a lovely wife to her husband. I look at this woman, and I stand back in awe of who she is. But who she is has come with hard work, and struggle just like everyone else. She really does make it look easy though. She's a person always looking for something new, and she has been such a huge help to me, giving me the information that she has to help me along as I try to understand the intricacies of my craft and my passion. She's one of those people who we would all like to have a piece of... Someone we would all like to strive to be...

But what I am really here to write about today is not just this person as an individual, but a new cause that she has inspired me with beyond words. I feel so excited about it, that I had to share it with my readers. pocketfulloflove.com is created by Shauna Maness, and it is a brilliant idea. As it says on her new website, "Families of deployed soldiers or deploying soldiers receive a donated photography session from people like you and me." Going on she says that photographers shoot a full family session, edit the photos, and create pocket sized books of the photoshoots that will fit in the soldiers uniform, or flack vest, so they can carry it wherever they go. Genius, right? One of those simple, but necessary gifts, that I'm sure every soldier with a family will need and want.

I know Josh enjoyed pictures when I sent them to him, but this is a perfect way for soldiers to be reminded always that there is someone waiting for them at home. Remind them that they are someone's hero. Someone misses them, and someone believes in them without end.

I'd like to write about everything, but I definitely don't want to ruin the excitment of visiting Shauna's new website. You can help, I can help. We all can help, and I'm so excited. We can all donate money to help soldiers and their families, donate money for a photoshoot and memories that will be held dear to everyone's heart. So, PLEASE! go check it out!


Get inspired!

God Bless!


1 comment:

shauna maness said...

you are the sweetest thing- i was checking to see how many people hit the site up the first day and i saw that someone came from your blog...
you are waaaaay tooo kind... i'm just trying to be better... aren't we all!!
love you girl.
i was thinking about you this week, how is that lens?

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