Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dying for some organization!

so I haven't posted forever and a day it seems like. When I check people's blogs and such, I get so bummed out when there is nothing new. I do the same thing, although there are only a few people that read my blogs.

We are on our way back up to the lake tonight, yet again time to nomad our way out of someone else's house and into another one. At least this time it will be our stuff, but we will be back to the good ol' days of 5 am wake up to be in town by 6:40. BLAH! I've been packing for at least two days now, and I'm not done. I have to load everything in the car, and then we will have to unload it tonight after a half hour trip to the lake. What is this? I feel like some sort of weird slave to the junk we cart around with us all the time. There is nothing that makes me more angry than disorganization. Sometimes it hard to think that organization and creativity go hand in hand, but they really do. I can't be creative with anything unless I am organized in some small way. I've gotten to the point where throwing things out the window and leaving them in the yard sounds good. I just need organization, and moving back and forth all the time doesn't allow that:). One day Josh and I will have a place of our own for more than a few months. Just wait, it will be spectacular! I can't wait to create in it, and organize it. I live to do things like that. Sad huh?

I went back to finish the photoshoot I started last weekend. Baby Bentley hates me! She is so beautiful, though. I feel good, I think I got some good shots! Not as many as I would have liked, but better than the last baby shoot I did. It's nice to feel like I am improving. FINALLY. It's hard having that personality that I feel the need to have everything be right the first time. It needs to be absolutely perfect. I hold myself to these standards, but I don't really hold them for others. I know I'm too hard on myself, but I've been this way forever, I don't think it will ever change.

Well, I'm off to load up the car. I have just an hour before work. I feel guilty enjoying myself, writing. I hope you have a blessed thursday. Friday's almost here! Hallelujah!


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