Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Office

I've been asked a few times to show picture of our brand new house, but because it is still somewhat a disaster area, I won't be posting pictures until next week. The back room, is currently the room where Josh's random stuff resides. My office is also housing two boxes of DVD's, a box of picture frames, and Comcast equipment that needs to be returned before someone starts looking for their stuff. Oops. They should really come pick that kind of stuff up, rather than making you bring it in, Right? There are so many walls in this house, and we don't have anything to fill them with. I am so used to having a fireplace with a little mantle that I don't know what to do with all the stuff that went on it. I will have to get some little shelves to put on the huge empty wall we have in the living room.

Paint colors for the living room, and bedroom have been picked out, but painting has been put off by me due to the fact that I would rather pay the bills and eat than buy paint that isn't a necessity right now. This house poor thing is going to really cramp my style, I can already tell. I have a bachelorette party to go to this weekend for a very dear friend, and you know how that goes. Spending a small fortune on a gift, the hotel room, dinner and dancing. In fact, we might not get to eat for the next few weeks... Oh well, right? :)

I am finding that I love my office. Although it is pretty blah right now, it is mine. My desk is all set up. So I'm in business. I'm alot less distracted in my own seperate place. At the apartment, I was right next to the TV, which I know doesn't need to be turned on, but I can't help it. I have become that housewife that got hooked on Soaps, yes, I was pulled in. No I didn't just sit there all day and watch Soaps, I listened while I worked. Thank the Lord we have DVR now, so I can record these shows and watch them later on... Alot later on because they drive Josh crazy.

All I need are some Bon Bons. Thats what guys think housewives do right? Sit and watch cheesy Soap Operas and eat Bon Bons. I'm rarely just sitting in front of the TV. Except for that day where the thought of unpacking another box made me sick. I took a break and watched TV, and let me tell you, I was totally depressed that day. I hate just sitting. It puts me in a really bad mood.

Another plus about being in my own space is not being able to see everything else that needs to be done with the house. I cant see the dishes that need to be put away in the kitchen, and I cant see that load of laundry that needs to be done. I tend to do cleaning about three to four times a day. I love a clean house. My mom says this will not be something I can partake in when Josh and I have kids... It will be a complete disaster all the time. I'm already thinking of ways to keep things organized when we have kids. And in our little house, this will be crucial! Sorry kiddos, no toys for you! We just don't have the room.

I do have a picture of the lovely view from my office, our bedroom is in the room next to my office, so this is the view I get every morning when I look out our bedroom window too:)

I will have pictures up of our house soon. You have to promise, though, that you won't make fun of our hideous mismatched living room furniture. Truly and eyesore. One day we MIGHT have something that matches, and I won't have to continually apologize for the randomness. And if anyone wants to donate money to our Living Room furniture fund that contains a whopping $0 so far, feel free! We would be so grateful.

I snagged this idea from my friend Shauna. I love to read her little snippets of info.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!


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