Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Love Actually is... All Around

Finally a post, even though it's a small one. I've been really busy working away, and spending time with family over Thanksgiving weekend. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things! I was spoiled last week. It was Josh's and my 2nd anniversary. We picked up our puppy last Tuesday, and have been chasing her around ever since! I Love, Love Actually. I saw it in the theater the day it came out, and I left feeling so much lighter than I had when I walked in. In the wake of so many tragedies over the last month or so, we need a reminder that there is love still left in the world. That people are inherently good, and that we really do love each other, even if it's not displayed in a huge way. May this be a reminder of the love that is all around this Christmas season!

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