Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sleep Deprivation

I don't know what's wrong with me, and I'm starting to get irritated. Do you ever have those days when you are exhausted and can't wait to go to sleep and then when you get into bed you can do nothing but think about other things that need to be done? Even if I don't have anything that needs to be done I still find myself lying awake at night staring into the darkness, and listening to that incessant snoring sound Josh makes when he sleeps on his back.

It's really starting to drive me crazy. It hasn't been just one or two days of this. It hasn't even been just one or two weeks. It's been at the very least three weeks... probably closer to a month or more. What happened to me? I've never been a good sleeper, it's just the way I am. But I'm running on 3 to 4 hours a sleep a night, if I'm that lucky. What's the deal here?! I started to thinking last night, I have a wild imagination mind you, about the movie Secret Window. Have you ever seen it? It's that one with Johnny Depp, yes, I'm a fan... Anyway, he becomes so sleep deprived, and depressed that he forms this completely seperate second personality. He ends up scaring himself, and his ex-wife, but ends up killing both her, and her new husband. I can't help but lie awake at night thinking I'm going to go nutty like that. It would be my luck that something like that would happen.

Which then a chain of thoughts goes through my head, all the terrible things I can think of. Then I think I hear things, and 10:30 turns into 2 o'clock, and then before I know it, it's five in the morning and the alarm is going off. And the day starts and then ends the same way. I am exhausted, but my body just won't shut down.

And then, and then. My laptop.... UGH, I could scream. It's going down on me, I've had it for a year and 2 weeks. Never again will I buy an HP. My brother has the same one, and his is worse off, and my husband has the same one, that he just got, against my suggestion to buy a different one, and they are all not working right. Can someone just hand me a few thousand dollars so I can go buy an Apple Desktop Computer. I don't have extra money for that right now. Could you help a girl out? :)

Good thing is, it's Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday! Sorry about the boring, whiney blog today. Hopefully I will have something more interesting to say in a day or so.

Have a Wonderful Thursday!


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